PTA Update – Our Parents are Amazing!

The St. Peter School PTA held its regular November meeting on Monday, November 13th at 7pm in the Parish Hall. The meeting Minutes will be sent home via Family Folder but some of the highlights included:

  • A VERY successful 2018 Spaghetti Dinner! The dinner was well-received and while many suggestions have been discussed for improvements next year, much thanks to all families for their hard work and support for this annual event!
  • PTA Survey – In the coming weeks, St. Peter School families will receive an email with a “Survey Monkey” survey to collect ideas about how to earmark funds raised thus far by the PTA and in the future. The PTA has historically given a great deal of support to teachers and the school and even funding improvement projects like lighting, security, technology and grounds improvements. This will be a way for all voices to be heard. Watch for the survey to arrive via email and then lend your ideas
  • Catholic Schools Week 2018 will be at the end of January with our school favorite, Winter Carnival the highlight of the week. We will be looking for many hands and hearts to help with this special celebration. Watch for future announcements!