Monsignor Tomaselli Outdoor Classroom & Pavilion Nears Completion

After many months of planning and fundraising, our Monsignor Tomaselli Outdoor Classroom and Pavilion is nearing completion. It looks amazing and is such a wonderful addition to our St. Peter School. The project should be finished around the time school starts. Our beautiful new picnic tables will allow students from multiple classes to enjoy the space at the same time. The different hard working crews on the project even included some of our very own St. Peter School alumni. We also have plans to finally have our much needed storage shed delivered and installed behind the maintenance garage for school storage. Once all of the construction is completed we will invite everyone to a special gathering where we will dedicate and bless our new pavilion. The pavilion will be for St. PeterĀ  School students and for our St. Peter Church CCD students to use. The Monsignor Tomaselli Outdoor Classroom and Pavilion is sure to be enjoyed by many for years to come.